Get Started

Thank you for your purchase! Before you get started, please take a moment to review the documentation provided. It contains valuable information and detailed instructions to help you make the most of the product.


Login to your server and click MYSQL DATABASE.

Create database name

Enter database name and click create

Create database user

Enter your details and click create

Add User To Database

Choose database name and database user then click add

Manage User Privileges

Choose All privileges then click make changes

Script Files

First download the files from codesellmarket and extract them in your computer

1 - Go to your server file manager

2 - Open your directory then click on upload

3 - Click select file then choose the

4 - Choose then click extract

5 - Click extract file then open your website URL

Important !

if your website URL cannot open or you see Error with code 500 or 403, its coming from your server side, please contact your server support, or check your server logs to know where is the problem.


1 - Click on install button.

2 - Make sure all the requirements are enabled, if its disabled please enable it or contact your server support.

3 - All those files must have a 0775 permission.

4 - Enter your database details and click install.

First time Admin Panel login

When you log in to the admin panel for the first time, you will see a license verification page. First, download your license certificate PDF file from your CodeSellMarket purchase page. Then, go to the contact page and ask for the license activation. After obtaining the license code, enter it on the verification page and click 'Activate' to complete the verification successfully.

Admin Panel details

Password: 1234

To Access the Admin dashboard, go to then, you will be shown the below screen, Enter Defualt Admin Account login details to login,

This will be your Admin dashboard, you can manage everything from here,

Go To - /Users

You Can Manage All Users Activity From Here.,

Edit Users.,

Track Users Activity.,

Block/Unblock Users.,

Go To - /Settings/admin settings/Configuration
you can on/off and configure google login.

Go To - /Redeem Requests
You can manage Every Payout Request from your users here.

You can manage/track users from here, Track users to see if thay are legit or not then you can approve or reject the requast depends on the situation. copy users payout Address by clicking the button.

Go To - Redeem Methods
You Can Add/Remove Withdrawal Mathods From Here.

Referral Configuration

You can Configure Refferal settings from here.

Go To - /Missions
These Are The daily Missions.

You can add missions by selecting type of mission.

Go To - /Pages
These Are The Importent Pages You Need.

Edit These Pages And Add Your Taxt here.

Offerwall Config

You Can Add Your OfferWalls ID Here.

fill the required details here.

You Can Configure Offerwalls postback.

you can on/off and configure your feature offers setction


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Email Support

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our product like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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Go to your codesellmarket Profile > Downloads Tab > & then You can Rate & Review for our product.
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